Summerfest Back at the Creek June 20

Summerfest Barley CreekBarley Creek is brewing up some amazing outdoor excitement as Summerfest 11 barrels in June 20 from 4 to10 p.m. BC’s Stephanie Rath dishes details on this monumental masterpiece of family friendly fun that started over 10 years ago.

Telling how after building the popular Tannersville eatery’s Pint Size Park, she says the BC team decided what better way to unveil their Summerfest Lager than to help a neighbor in the community, Pocono Township Volunteer Fire Company.

With a portion of the proceeds benefitting the local emergency responders, the evening filled with music, Smokehouse Barbeque and games including wiffleball, inflatables and more continues to be the place to find the finest of food and festivities in the area.

Rath reveals repeat performers the Maybabies, who she considers, “Probably one of the best local bands” is set to return. Admitting Summerfest excitement that’s “Close to home” is also a full size plus packed into the Pint Size Park.

Trip Ruvane applauds Rath, “A driving force behind the success of this event” for Summerfest’s success along with his entire BC crew.

Rath adds, don’t miss the fireworks set to draw Summerfest eyes to the skies at dusk. Discount tickets can be purchased in advance with regular pricing of $15 at the gate.

Barley Creek Brewing Company

Located just off Route 80 taking Exit 299 right onto 715 North

Make a left at the Crossings following Sullivan Trail about a mile
