Nighttime is the Right Time…October 17

Scranton Iron FurnacesOctober 17—Night falls upon the grounds of Scranton Iron Furnaces. A path filled with luminaries and torches guides your way to the sound of bag pipes and drums echoing in the distance. You arrive to the massive kindling set ablaze as it matures to the immense bonfire that is Bonfire at the Iron Furnaces.

Transforming the four acre site to its magnificence 150 years before during iron production in the height of industrial revolution, this popular festival embraces the rich culture entrenched in Scranton with celebration. Ireland’s tradition of Jack O’Lantern carving, Latino Day of the Dead Ofrenda and skull face painting, Diwali or Indian Festival of Lights all enrich the experience with a focus on the theme of harvest.

Chester Kulesa, Site Administrator, shares the evening’s objective, “To create an accessible arts and cultural event for all ages and to engage the community with an important historic site.”

Inviting all ages to absorb theatrical performances, a fire parade and exhibits along with fabulous food and beverages, Bonfire at the Iron Furnaces is set for 6 to 10 p.m. The cost is $15 in advance and $20 the day of with children 12 & under free.

Bonfire at the Scranton Iron Furnaces

