Take Charge over Chilly Challenges


Liberty Winter PDYK LGAs winter weather makes its way across the region, Liberty Homes Custom Builders oblige with some tips to help cease drips.

Just a few simple seasonal steps can seal in savings and put a freeze on those leaks!

First suggesting a possibility the predicament may require professional help, John Holahan begins, “If this is a summer or vacation home hopefully you have turned off your main water supply, disconnected hoses and drained the hose bib; drained and insulated the water line; as well as put non-toxic plumbing anti-freeze in your waste lines.”

Adding insight on all homes he says, “Be sure to caulk and seal windows, doors and anywhere the outside can get in,” reminding, “Don’t forget roofs.”

Closing basement and crawlspace windows and vents along with placing insulation board over those areas is a must.

Precautions to put a damper on ice damming, John urges, “Be sure to keep gutters clear of leaves and debris.”

From clear-aways to must-stays, he concludes, “Leave a snow shovel at the door and the pathway from your driveways,” reasoning, “This should reduce the need to keep Huskies at the ready!”
